The North Platte Canteen District

The North Platte Canteen District reflects the community and giving spirit exemplified during the North Platte Canteen which was one of the largest volunteer efforts of World War II. Over six million troops were fed during this time by over 55,000 volunteers.

These times brought out the best of the best of people and we want to bring that back to our Downtown.

Moving forward to 2022, Downtown North Platte, now renamed The Canteen District, is among Nebraska’s best examples of historic preservation and modern amenities. Travel along brick streets adorned with overhead festoon lighting and enjoy an idyllic collection of notable architecture in this National Register district. Shop, dine, and unwind with several unique shops and restaurants and enjoy year-round events and experience our Canteen sense of community.


Mission Statement

The North Platte Creative District’s mission is to work with the City and local community partners to maximize the promotion, advocacy, and outreach of the district; drive economic growth; beautify the community; and offer opportunities for artistic and cultural expression for all.

Vision Statement

The North Platte Creative District is an attractive, popular, family-friendly arts destination that showcases its Canteen heritage of volunteerism, patriotism, and discovery through its appearance and public artistic/cultural events